Bowls - A Sport For All

European Championships 2024 -Conditions of Play

European Championships 2024

Conditions of Play

European Championships, 2nd to 8th September 2024
National Centre for Bowling, Hunters Avenue,
Ayr, KA8 9AL

CONTROLLING BODY     –     Bowls Europe Ltd.

Tournament Director

Organising Committee

Robert Stirling, Event Director, Bowls Europe Ltd

Bowls Europe Board of Directors
Bowls Scotland Competition & Events Team


Players must be affiliated to their National Authority and that Authority a member of Bowls Europe Ltd. All athletes must meet the requirements of the World Bowls regulations for international play.

All para players must be internationally classified by IBD (International Bowls for the Disabled) by 19th August 2024 before they can be registered and accepted into the event. IBD will inform World Bowls after this date of the players confirmed class status (‘P’ for permanent or ‘R’ for review – with a fixed review date in 2024 or later for those with progressive disorders).



a. Open Disciplines – Traditional Play (up to 5 players per side for each gender)

● Each player can compete in a maximum of two events

● Nominated players must remain in the discipline and events entered

b. Para Mixed Pairs B2-B3 (eligible sport classes B1-B3)

● Must include one male and one female player

● The maximum cumulative point score for each pair is 5 points. The

cumulative point score is determined by combining the Sport Classes

of both athletes entered within that medal event. For the avoidance

of doubt, the sport class of an individual athlete is worth the actual

number value (i.e. sport class B1 is worth 1 point, B2 is worth 2

points, B3 is worth 3 points).

● Each athlete entered in the Mixed Pairs B2-B3 medal event is entitled

to one (1) Director not included in the maximum possible slot


c. Para Men’s Pairs B6-B8 (eligible sport classes B5-B8) and, Women’s Pairs

B6-B8 (eligible sport classes B5-B8)

● The maximum cumulative point score for each Pair is 14 points. The

cumulative point score is determined by combining the Sport Classes

of both athletes entered within that medal event. For the avoidance

of doubt, the Sport Class of an individual athlete is worth the actual

number value (i.e. Sport Class B5 is worth 5 points, Sport Class B6 is

worth 6 points, Sport Class B7 is worth 7 points and Sport Class B8 is

worth 8 points).

It is not possible for players entered in Para Disciplines to also enter the Open draw

due to scheduling restrictions.




● SINGLES: Four bowls, 21 shots up, in excess of 21 shots shall not count,

with a time limit of two hours 15 minutes per match (including trial


● PAIRS: Three bowls per athlete, 18 ends, with a time limit of two hours

15 minutes per match (including trial ends).

● TRIPLES: Two bowls per athlete, 18 ends, with a time limit of two hours

15 minutes per match (including trial ends).

● FOURS: Two bowls per athlete, 15 ends, with a time limit of two hours

15 minutes per match (including trial ends).

● PARA VI MIXED PAIRS: Three bowls per athlete, 15 ends, with a time

limit of two hours 15 minutes per match (including trial ends).

● PARA MEN’S PAIRS: Three bowls per athlete, 15 ends, with a time limit

of two hours 15 minutes per match (including trial ends).

● PARA WOMEN’S PAIRS: Three bowls per athlete, 15 ends, with a time

limit of two hours 15 minutes per match (including trial ends).

b. Teams will be divided into sections in each discipline.

c. The Men’s Pairs & Triples and Women’s Singles & Fours will take place

between Tuesday 3rd to Thursday 5th September 2024.

d. The Men’s Singles & Fours and Women’s Pairs & Triples will take place

between Friday 6th to Sunday 8th September 2024.

e. The Para Disciplines will take place between Friday 6th to Sunday 8th

September 2024.

f. The presentation of medals will take place immediately following the finals.

Team Championships 2024

g. The semi-finalists will be decided as follows;

● If there are two sections, the section winners and runners up will

qualify for the semi-final.

● If there are three sections with equal numbers i.e., 3 sections of 5,

the section winners and best runner up will qualify for the


● If there are three sections with uneven numbers i.e., 2 sections of 6

and 1 section of 5, the section winners will qualify for the semi-finals

and the second-place teams will compete in a three end play off to

decide the fourth semi place;

○ A draw will take place between the three second place teams.

○ One team will receive a bye into the play off final and the other

two will play a three end play off, the winner will play the third

team in the play off final to qualify for the semi-final.

○ The play off will consist of three ends.

○ The winner of the toss of the coin will decide who delivers the

jack and the first bowl in the first end, thereafter the end winner

will decide who delivers the jack and first bowl.

○ Ends won will decide the winner, not total shots.

● If there are four sections the section winners will qualify for the


● The format for the semi-finals in each discipline will be:

Winner Section A v Runner Up Section B

Winner Section B v Runner Up Section A

● In disciplines with 4 or more entries, the first place will win Gold,

second place will win Silver and third place will win Bronze.

● Disciplines with 3 entries will play for Gold and Silver and disciplines

with 2 entries will play for Gold only.

h. Time limits will apply to all games for all disciplines in sectional play only.

i. All semi-finals and finals will have no time limit. Restrictions on movement

of players during play will still be applied. Should a match be stopped due

to extreme weather, the time limit will be extended by the equivalent

amount of the time for the delay.

j. Any player/team arriving after the official start time, shall lose the right to

play trial ends. Any player/team arriving at the green more than 15 minutes

after the official starting time shall forfeit the game and the points for that

game/or not progress through to the next round. The opponent shall also be

awarded the average net shots margin of all matches completed in that

round of the competition in that section.

k. The competitions shall be played throughout by the competitors, whose

names appear on the scorecard of the first game, and in their nominated


l. During the playing of the competition, changes in the player positions within

each discipline, i.e. pairs, triples or fours shall be permitted before the

commencement of each game and the tournament director notified.

m. Should a team withdraw from the competition, having completed a game or

games the result from all the completed games will be deleted.



Sectional play

3 points will be awarded for a game won and 1 point for a drawn game.

a. The player or team with the greatest number of points is the winner of the

section. All other players or teams will be ranked accordingly.

b. If points are equal, then the player or team with the highest net total of shots

(‘shots for’ minus ‘shots against’) will be ranked higher.

c. If points and net total of shots are all equal, then the player or team with the

lowest number of ‘shots against’ will be ranked higher.

d. If there is still equality having applied the criteria described in points a to c

above, then the player or team that won the game between the players or

teams that are equal will be ranked higher.

e. If the game between the players or teams that are equal is drawn, then the

first player or team in the drawn game to win an end will be ranked higher.

Post Sectional

All games will be played in knockout format.



The overall team winner in both the men’s, women’s and para championships will

be declared as the country gaining the most points in the ten competitions. In

determining the winners, points shall be awarded on the following basis:

a. The winner in each discipline shall score points equivalent to the total

number of teams competing in their section

b. Subsequent placings in each event shall be reduced by one point for each

placing within the section.

c. Additional points will be awarded to those countries that compete in the

finals of each discipline:

● 3 points for gold medal

● 2 points for silver medal

● 1 point for bronze medal

d. If points are equal, then the country with the highest total shot difference

will rank higher.

e. If positions are still equal, the Controlling Body will divide the total of shots

scored against each country into the total shots it has scored. The country

with the highest result will be declared the winner.



The Controlling Body reserves the right to alter the format, times of play and

greens to suit local unforeseen circumstances, giving as much notice as practical.

Covid restrictions may also have an impact on the competition and require the

Controlling body to amend the format etc.

Where a program is interrupted or cannot be completed due to inclement weather

or local conditions, the Controlling Body may amend the format and length of

games to achieve a result or postpone the event where an outcome cannot be




Start of Play – Play will commence with the appointed official signalling the start

time by a bell, horn, etc.

End of Play – At the completion of the allocated time, the appointed official will

signal the end time of play by a bell, horn, etc. At this time players will complete

the current end they are playing. (The start of an end is determined by the

delivery of the jack by the first player in that end).



One trial end in each direction will be allowed for all games in accordance with

World Bowls Laws of the Sport 5.1. In trial ends players can use any combination of

bowls taken from different sets so long as all bowls carry a registered World Bowls

stamp of either the current year or a future year.

Trial ends will commence at the official starting time.



If a jack in motion passes completely outside the boundaries of the rink of play,

comes to rest in any hollow in the face of the bank, or rebounds to a distance of

less than 20 metres from the mat line, the end should not be declared dead.

Instead, the jack should be placed with the nearest point of the jack to the mat

line at the central 2 metre spot.

If the spot is partly or completely covered by a bowl, the jack should be placed as

close as possible to the covered spot, in line with that spot and the corresponding

spot at the opposite end of the rink, without touching a bowl. World Bowls Laws of

the Sport 56.5.4.



Prior to the start of each end, the following players will take their position at the

mat-end of the green:

● Pairs game: the leads

● Triples game: the leads and the seconds

● Fours game: the leads and the seconds. The thirds, however, may elect to

take their position either at the mat end or alongside the skip at the head.


After delivering their first bowl, players will only be allowed to walk up to the

head under the following circumstances.

Singles game: the opponents, after delivery of their third and fourth bowls.

Pairs game (each player playing three bowls)

● the leads: after delivery of their third bowl; and

● the skips: after delivery of their second and third bowls.

Triples game (each player playing two bowls)

● the leads: after the second player in their team has delivered their second


● the seconds: after delivery of their second bowl; and

● the skips: after delivery of each of their bowls.

Fours game (each player playing two bowls)

● the leads: after the second player in their team has delivered their second


● the seconds: after delivery of their second bowl;

● the thirds: after delivery of their second bowl; and

● the skips: after delivery of each of their bowls.

In exceptional and limited circumstances, a Singles Player can ask the marker for

permission to walk up to the head, earlier than described above. If a player does

not meet the terms of this law, Law 13 will apply.



The Controlling Body are empowered to invoke regulations for dealing with slow

play as it considers appropriate.

f. Players are required to play without undue delay and in a manner which does

not prevent their opponents from being able to complete the requisite

number of ends within the time limit prescribed by the Controlling Body. The

following conditions will apply in cases where players fail to meet this


g. The umpire, on appeal by one of the skips or one of the team coaches that

their team is being prevented from playing all their bowls within the two

hours and fifteen minutes time limit due to the actions of their opponents, or

on appeal by the Controlling Body as a result of its own observation, will

notify the offending team that they are being ‘put on the stopwatch’ on

completion of any end in progress.

h. When notification has been given, the offending team will be required to

deliver all their bowls in each of the remaining ends within a two-minute time

period (Singles, Pairs and Triples games) or a two-minutes-and-fifteen-seconds

time period (Fours games). Timing will be undertaken by a technical official

specifically allocated for that purpose.

i. In each end, timing will start as soon as the jack has been properly delivered

and centred (if the offending team is the first to play in an end) or as soon as

the non-offending team’s first bowl has come to rest (if the non-offending

team is the first to play in an end). Thereafter, timing will start when each of

the non-offending team’s bowls has come to rest and will stop when each of

the offending team’s bowls has been delivered.

j. No timing will occur during any interventions by the umpire (for example, to

check a short jack or a line bowl).

k. The timing official will advise the offending team when the time remaining in

any end reaches one minute.

l. At the end of the two-minute time period (Singles, Pairs and Triples games) or

the two-minutes-and-fifteen-seconds time period (Fours games) the offending

team will forfeit any bowls remaining to be delivered in that end. The

non-offending team will, however, deliver their remaining bowls to complete

the end.

m. When play has been underway for one hour and ten minutes, the umpire will

advise teams which have either not completed nine ends or are not currently

playing their ninth end (Singles, Pairs and Triples games) or not completed

eight ends or are not currently playing their eighth end (Fours games) that

they risk being unable to complete their game within the time limit. The

umpire will also pass to the Controlling Body details of the games affected.

n. On being notified by the umpire as described in paragraph 8, the Controlling

Body will decide whether any action needs to be taken. This may include, for

example, putting the offending teams on the stopwatch during the game in

progress and / or putting the offending teams on the stopwatch from the start

of their succeeding game should all ends in the game in progress remain


o. If, during the end which is in progress immediately before the end time of

play is signalled or on completion of that end and before the start of any

subsequent end, the umpire as a result of their own observation or on appeal

by one of the skips, one of the team coaches or the Controlling Body, decides

that a team is being prevented from playing a further end due to the actions

of their opponents, they will notify the teams that they must play one more

end even though the end time of play may have been signalled when such

notification is given.



If a Player wishes to leave the rink of play, World Bowls laws of the Sport 32.1 will

apply. However, if on more than one occasion, then on each occasion after the first

they can do so only with their opponent’s and the Umpire’s permission. The

umpire’s permission will be granted in consultation with the Player’s team Manager

or Coach when they are present.



As approved by the Tournament Director.



A substitute shall be utilised in the following manner:

a. The Coach (provided they are an eligible affiliated player) of the team shall

herself/himself substitute or call upon an eligible affiliated player from

her/his National Authority to substitute

b. Where an accredited player in a Singles event is unable to play in any round

subsequent to the first round in which they are accredited owing to illness,

sudden indisposition, or reason acceptable to the Jury of Appeal, their place

shall then be taken by an alternative player from the Side, playing in the

same series. The replacement Singles player to be replaced in the team

affected, by a substitute player as set out in a) or b) above.

c. The Singles player may resume in his/her original position when deemed fit.

d. If a competitor in a Singles game is unable to complete any game already

commenced, their opponent shall be awarded maximum match points for

that game. The opponent shall also be awarded the average net shots

margin of all matches completed in that round of the competition in that


e. It is understood, however, that a substitute in terms of the foregoing, may

only be utilised if the Jury of Appeal is satisfied that the player to be

substituted is genuinely unable to play. The substitute player shall not be

permitted to play in the position of Skip. The team/player receiving the

points for the walk over shall also be awarded the average net shots margin

of all matches completed in that round of the competition in that section.

f. The Controlling body may permit replacement players or substitutes to suit

local unforeseen circumstances.



a. Only coaches appointed by their national authority to act in this capacity for

this event will be accredited and they must be registered with Bowls Europe

and the Tournament Director prior to the commencement of the event. A

player selected for the event cannot also be appointed as a Coach for the

event during the period of their involvement as a player in the event.

b. Directors of Para Lawn Bowls Mixed Pairs B2/B3

● The Director is ‘The Sighted Person Assisting the Visually Impaired

Player’. Every rule that applies to a player, also applies to the


● All players competing in Mixed Pairs B2-B3 shall have a Director with

them during play.

● The Director may assist the player with any/all of: picking up bowls;

finding/laying the mat; alignment; description of how bowls are

running; the position of any bowl; shot selection and strategy.

However, it should be left to the player to decide how much (or how

little) assistance he/she requires.

● In assisting a player with alignment the Director may stand in front of

the player (if so desired), but may not stand at a distance further

than five metres from the mat. In such cases the Director must retire

to his/her player before the delivered bowl comes to rest.

● A jack impeded by touching a Director will be re-delivered by the

opponent (Law 38.2). A bowl impeded by touching a Director shall be

removed from the green and will not be replayed.



All competitors and coaches will be required to complete and sign the Bowls

Europe Code of Conduct. Signed forms must be returned to the Tournament

Director prior to the commencement of the event.



As per World Bowls Laws of the Sport.



All bowls used during the event must carry a legible registered World Bowls stamp

of either the current year or of a future year.

All bowls will be checked for compliance by Umpires ahead of the trial ends prior

to the start of each session.



“Spray chalk” will be used to mark touchers for all singles matches and is the

preferred method to be used in all team matches.



Drug testing may take place in accordance with the World Bowls Anti-Doping




A jury of appeal will be appointed prior to the Event by the Bowls Europe Board of




Competing players, team managers and coaches are not permitted to consume

alcohol within the parameters of the green during play.



Smoking on the green will not be allowed by any player during play, including

vaping. If wishing to smoke a player must step off the green to do so.

The Controlling Body will adhere to any written legislation applied by the Local

Authority if found to differ from the above.

Failure to adhere to the warning will be reported to the controlling body for

consideration of what action to take, including the player’s disqualification.



All other Laws, Regulations & Policies other than stated above shall conform to the

Laws of the Sport of Bowls Crystal Mark Fourth Edition as approved by World Bowls.